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Flames of War - 27th October 2021 - Russia (Late War)

Writer's picture: Challenger GamesChallenger Games

Late June 1944. Whilst a new front has been opened up in the west, Soviet forces have steamrollered their way towards the Baltic States, and Poland, driving the German forces back. A small force of Wehrmacht tanks has been ordered to launch a counterattack near the town of Viciebsk.

The German objectives are to the North and South of the village. Each protected by a dug-in unit of Soviet infantry. A platoon of Russian mortars sit mid-way between the objectives, and a Russian HMG platoon provides a blocking force by the railway embankment. The Russians have had time to lay a number of minefields.

The German tanks deploy on the right flank, with a platoon of infantry dug in on a nearby hill.

Facing the German infantry on the left flank is a platoon of Russians. Dug in on the dirt road.

On the German right, a platoon of Russian infantry along with their artillery protects the objective.

The Germans begin their advance to the objective on the right flank.

View from the Panthers.

On the left flank, the Germans have spotted unit of Russian Anti-Tank guns, they decide to play-it-safe and sit tight.

An ambush appears of Russian heavy anti-tank guns positioned around the objective on the right flank.

The first unit of Soviet reinforcements arrive. A platoon of tanks advance through the village.

Seeing that the main threat is coming from the west, the light anti-tank gun platoon is ordered to move towards the other objective.

An exchange of fire leaves a tank burning from each side.

Further accurate fire from the Panther platoon knocks out two more Soviet tanks.

Under direct orders from the Company Commander, the Panthers fan out on the plain.

View from a Panther turret, looking towards the Soviet objective on the right flank.

More Russian reserves arrive and begin advancing towards the Germans. Two more German tanks are eliminated with shots to the flanks.

With pressure from the North and the East, the remaining German platoons attempt a flanking manoeuvre.

The Russians advance quickly from the North.

Two of the T34s are knocked out by accurate German fire.

The remaining T34s continue moving towards the Germans.

Whilst attempting to skirt around both the minefield, a platoon of Soviet troops and cope with the railway embankment, two of the Panthers are knocked out.

On the left flank the Germans beginning moving off the hill, and lay down some fire on the light anti-tank guns.

The two remaining Panthers slowly make their way down the railway. Knocking out one the heavy anti-tank guns on the way. The Russians alter their positions to take on the German tanks.

The German infantry platoon is caught in the open and takes heavy casualties.

The Russian tanks move into the village to face off the Germans, whilst the light anti-tank guns keep moving.

The Soviet heavy anti-tank guns are eliminated.

Seeing an opportunity, the German tanks assault the Russian infantry sitting on the objective.

The infantry are driven off the objective and the Germans consolidate.

Two T34s flank one of the Panthers, but both shots miss.

Meanwhile, to the North the Russian infantry begins advancing onto the Steppe.

There is further pressure on the Germans as the Russian light anti-tank platoon takes up a position within the village.

The anti-tank guns pour fire down on the Panthers and manage to bail one.

The anti-tank guns consolidate their positions in the village.

Further fire knocks out one of the Panthers leaving just the Company Commander contesting the objective.

Two of the anti-tank guns are eliminated.

The remaining anti-tank guns manage to bail out the Company Commander, and he surrenders.

Soviet Win.

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